Robert de Warren Dance

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A Lifetime of Dance

Latest News

March 26, 2024

Robert Honored at Kennedy Center

Imperial Family

L to R: Vitor Luiz, Tara Ghassemieh, Empress Farah Pahlavi, Princess Yasmine, Crown Prince Reza III, a ballet student, and Robert de Warren.
(Click on this photo for more information)

Robert invites you to his very popular course


Currently in progress for adults with basic knowledge of dance

see Ballet Tutor page for more information

Learn more about the educational opportunities Robert de Warren offers!    Call (941) 306-4578

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Portrait of Robert de Warren

Robert de Warren - en Español

A Wide Range of Knowledge

After retiring as Director of the Sarasota Ballet, Robert remains active as a multimedia dance lecturer, writer, and personal consultant. Still, most importantly, his retirement has allowed him the opportunity to focus on the talent of the younger generation. Robert is second-to-none as a very specialized ballet tutor recognized and encouraged by his mentors, Dame Ninette de Valois of The Royal Ballet, Dame Alicia Markova, George Goncharov (Master Teacher of Margot Fonteyn), John Field, CBE, Former Director of The Royal Ballet, and English National Ballet, Harold Turner, Boris Kniaseff, Tatiana Gsovsky (Berlin and Frankfurt ballets) and more. He is currently entering a new cycle of important activities by mentoring the youngest talents reaching out for success in their future careers, and advising on the development and implementation of Ballet Schools and Dance Education. The wealth and depth of his knowledge and experience make his tutoring and supervision a must for those serious in their quest to succeed. Many have already done so. De Warren speaks several languages, important in his collaborations worldwide.

Learn More About Robert de Warren's Career

Click each image for more information

Dame Ninette de Valois

Dame Ninette de Valois – Founding Director the Royal Ballet

Lord Hastings – Dame Ninette – Robert

Rudolf Nureyev

Rudolf Nureyev

HRH The Princess Margaret

HRH The Princess Margaret– Royal Patron Northern Ballet Theater UK

Dame Alicia Markova

Dame Alicia Markova

The Shah and Empress of Iran

The Shah and Empress of Iran - Receiving Robert after an opening night


Jose' Manuel Carreño

Jose' Manuel Carreño - Principal Dancer, American Ballet Theatre, writes:

"I have known Robert De Warren for a long time. We met while he was director of the ballet at Teatro alla Scala. Over the years I have come to know Robert well and he is a dear friend to me. We began working closely at Sarasota Ballet as we did earlier when he invited me to guest with his company. I am always in awe of Robert, not only the director but a lighting designer, costume designer, teacher, coach and performer. I am so inspired by Robert, his energy; passion and devotion to the arts are above and beyond the exception. I am so honored to have this man as my advisor and my friend and look forward to what he will bring us in the years to come."

Gillian Lynne with Andrew Lloyd Webber

Gillian Lynne with Andrew Lloyd Webber - Director/Choreographer,  writes:

"One of my happiest experiences in the theatre was A SIMPLE MAN, my dance drama about LS Lowry commissioned by the BBC. Robert De Warren had been asking me for two years to make a ballet for his company and I was so delighted to use the Northern Ballet Theatre for this project. I asked Christopher Gable and Moira Shearer to star in it and the whole production was a joy. Of course, Robert comes from the same background as I, a dancer with the Royal Ballet in London, so I always say we were both brought up properly! It is absolutely no surprise to me that he has had such a varied and successful career; he is a man who cares deeply about dance and also, because he was one himself, he cares particularly about dancers, which makes him a man very much after my own heart."

Jack Dowd

Jack Dowd - Foremost American Pop-Sculptor, artist, and friend, writes:

"To observe Robert de Warren during rehearsal is to see a man living in the heart, mind and body of his dancers. In the studio, with a critique in mind, he slowly rises from his director's chair; dancers freeze, time stops, eyes and ears are open, he approaches the dance floor.....In this moment imagine Pollack or Monet, brush in hand, Joel or Mozart with fingers paused on piano keys..... Robert embraces his dancers, closes his eyes and steps into the moment of review....problem solved.... canvas is painted...... piano is played... softly he speaks, "Let’s do it this way, it will work." For me, Robert transformed my visual art installation into a superb performing art masterpiece. From canvas to stage … our many meetings and collaborations he would say, "Let's do it this way, it will work." I always listened. Robert de Warren....a vision of genius at work!"


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