Robert de Warren Dance

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"Robert de Warren is a wonderful, charismatic voice from the dance world, who delivers our history with great style and panache!" - Julie Kent (Former Principal Dancer, American Ballet Theatre & Artistic Director of The Washington Ballet)




Robert de Warren provides lectures on dance that are constantly updated and covered in multimedia presentations, from the Birth of Ballet in the 16th Century to the New Language of Dance in the 21st Century, as well as the most up-to-date trends. Lectures for the Winter of 2019 are available now. View some of his lecture titles today.

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Personal Memories of a Genius - Three Lecture Series -Nureyev became a close friend to Robert and Jacqueline. His memoir (see MENU) shares material until now held private. Nureyev had a wonderful and generous side to his personality unknown to most, even those closest to him. He was a great influence on Robert's artistic life. Nureyev so enjoyed working with Robert's Northern Ballet that he became Artist Laureate, an exclusive honor.  See MEMOIR


Robert de Warren believes that artistic license should be used judiciously. He never hesitates to import the latest trends from other arts and industries when choreographing for theater and opera as well as dance. He has worked with such varied personalities as; Jack Dowd (pop artist and sculptor), Luciano Pavarotti, Franco Zefirelli, Giani Versace, Peter Farmer, Flemming Flindt, Birgit Cullberg, Alvin Ailey, Loris Tcheknavorian.

Nureyev in Swan Lake
Nureyev danced in Robert's designed Swan Lake. It was nominated for the BAFTA - Sir Lawrence Olivier Award for best designer, scenery and costumes.

Elizabeth Maurin and Nureyev in Swan Lake
In Swan Lake Act III with Paris Opera Ballet etoile Elizabeth Maurin.

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